Chryso Wetcast Chloride Accelerators for concrete provide a faster set time and improve the overall enhanced strength of the concrete. The Chryso®Xel range is a high-performance concrete accelerator offering consisting of two types of accelerators:
Set accelerators: Reduce the concrete initial set time, ideal for chloride wetcast applications requiring quick form turnover and early strength.
Hardening accelerators: Increase the initial strength development of concrete with or without modification of setting time, ensuring durability and robustness in chloride environments.
Chryso’s solutions can help reduce jobsite time and costs for all cement types, making them an essential component in efficient concrete production and placement.

CHRYSO®Xel Chloride
The Chryso®Xel range of Chloride Wetcast Accelerators offers multiple benefits, including faster curing times that significantly…

CHRYSO®Xel Non-Chloride
Chryso®Xel is a chloride-free liquid admixture which when added to concretes and mortars during mixing gives…