The right use of fibres has many benefits for the concrete. It increases concrete’s structural performance and durability. Fibres are also used to control cracking due to shrinkage.

Our Fibre-Reinforced Concrete (FRC) expertise is based on :

  • A deep understanding of concrete properties and mix design.
  • Years of continuous R&D on fibres’ key characteristics and performance.
  • Multiple collaborations with customers, industrials, academics and public bodies.
  • Working on prestigious jobsites.

Chryso provides a large and innovative range of natural and synthetic fibres. Combined with Chryso®Fibre Expertise , customers enjoy the value created by a global, optimized and easy-to-use FRC solution supported by in-field experts.

Key Products

CHRYSO® Fibrin XT 12mm

High performance monofilament polypropylene fibres.

CHRYSO® Fibrin 6mm

Passive fibre protection fibres.

CHRYSO® Easyfinish

Macro-synthetic fibres.