Water reducing plasticiser
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CHRYSO®Quad 537 is classified as a water reducing plasticiser. The admixture thus induces the following major effects in a concrete mix:
- Without affecting the consistence (workability), permits a reduction in the water content of a given concrete or
- Without affecting the water content, increases the slump/flow or
- Produces both of the above effects simultaneously.
- CHRYSO®Quad 537 is a multi-dose admixture, allowing a wide range of dosages to be applied, without any excessive retardation at the higher dosages.
- The multi-dose characteristic of CHRYSO®Quad 537 allows concrete to exhibit extended workability characteristics.
- When used to reduce the water content of a concrete mix (lower the w/b ratio).CHRYSO® Quad 537 may potentially reduce the rate of bleeding.
- CHRYSO®Quad 537 improves the cohesion and lowers the viscosity of a concrete mix. This results in an improved homogeneity and compaction, allowing for superior off-shutter finishes.
- By reducing the need to add extra water, CHRYSO®Quad 537 increases the durability of concrete, by reducing permeability.
- CHRYSO®Quad 537 is robust to differences in cement characteristics. Based on aesthetic requirements, its suitability for use with white cement, should be ascertained prior to use.
- CHRYSO®Quad 537 may be used with in mixes extended with limestone and/or typically used SCMs – GGBS, GGCS, Fly Ash and Silica Fume.
- CHRYSO®Quad 537 does not undermine the early age strength of concrete and in certain cases, may be used to improve it.
- Depending on the dosage, CHRYSO®Quad 537 will cause a relative increase of mechanical strength after 24 hours.
- 1000 ℓ flow bin
- 200 ℓ drum
- Bulk delivery on request
- 25 ℓ jerry can